Sarah's Mei Mei

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Another future dentist in the family

Merry Christmas! So it's 8:45 and since maddy doesn't understand Santa yet, shes still sleeping. As mom and marty say shes a teenager in training :-). I must have taught her well. Yesterday Maddy had her first taste of Mexican food at Mi Jalepeno's and she LOVED it. She seems to like all the same foods I do, except she is more into sweets than I am. You should see that girl and anything that has peanut butter. When mom gets out the peanut butter jar she just starts screaming and is so excited. Haha. I think its so funny. So i'm going to include a few pictures of miss maddy brushing her teeth, training to be a dentist, and eating her mexican food!!!


Brushing my teeth.

I think Sissy's teeth need cleaned too!

Two future dentists!

Eating my first taco

Yummmmmm! I love tacos!


  • At 7:35 AM, Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said…

    Love the photos... to cute... in answer to the comment on my site... as you may have guessed I have the Aussie accent but Mike... he has the New England accent but people have though he sounds Australian... maybe I am rubbing off on him... bwaahahaha... she says with and evil laugh...


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