Sarah's Mei Mei

Friday, November 09, 2007


If you are a Dane Cook fan, then you understood that title :-). Yes, I got to go see Dane Cook in PERSON! He was halarious and his new material almost had me and my roommates in tears. OMG we are all going to go see him again next time he's somewhere near us. So anyways, its almost Maddy's birthday !!! I'm so excited to give her the gift my brother and his fiance and i got her. Its really cute, at least i hope so. I haven't seen it put together. I took my microbiology midterm on monday, well my second micro midterm, and i think it went okay. Probably could have gone a bit better, but the directions on one of the questions was very vague and lots of people had problems with it so he said he would normalize the score of the exam for us :-). Jezebelle and i are doing well here in columbus and shes getting a teensy bit bigger. She won't grow too much bigger which i guess is good since her house is so small.

So two days until HATE WEEK BEGINS!!!!!!!! For those of you that don't know the rules of hate week they go as follows
1. You must wear something that says ohio state or buckeyes or something of that sort everyday of the week
2. You can not say the team up north's name... at all. It must be refered to as muck fichigan, ttun, m word, or so on
3. Mirror Lake Jump In.... Thursday night, midnight, any weather goes. Make sure you have on something buckeye :-)
4. If you aren't fortunate enough to be at the game on saturday, you must and i repeat must be screaming as loud as you can at every "good" <---hahaha like the m word team has good, play or call for that other team :-)

Hate week is probably my most favorite week of the entire year. Its such a long time honored tradition and I fully respect all aspects. Even though i get sick every year from jumping in the lake. True, it is normally about 17 degrees in the water, but i have done it every other year and its so enjoyable :-). I know i know, you all think im crazy, unless you went to OSU and you know what im talking about.

I guess not much else is going on up here in the Bus. Just going to class, doing lots of homework, working, and sleeping as usual. I'll be in springfield this weekend though to celebrate the birthday with my pumpkin.



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