Sarah's Mei Mei

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So my friends and i were talking about the worst punishments we had ever recieved from the parentals. Everyone else's revolved around being grounded from something or another but mine was a little different. The worst punishment i ever recieved is when my mom didnt speak to me for a week. A week i tell you. I was MISERABLE. Since I talk to mom at least once a day, I was completley aside myself for a week. The worst week ever. I'm not going to confess what i did, but i still dont think it was bad enough for her not to talk to me for a week :-). Just wanted to say love you mom! and don't give your kids the cold shoulder! its not fun :-(

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Im Still Alive!

Lol, I've been so busy lately that i haven't really had time to blog at all. With all these boys on my heels what am i supposed to do? Lol. there's Jason in LA that wants to date me, Derek (the ex) that wants me back, and Adam a guy I used to work with that wants to date me. Ugh! Now if only i were really interested in any of them. isn't that how it always works?
On the school front, ive been busy as well. I had a test in my spanish class on Thurs, and two midterms, one in each of my Micro classes, on Friday. It has been a busy busy week.

On the Maddy front, i swear she gets cuter and cuter every day! I love how she is always saying my name and Berkleys. She just loves it when berkley and i go home to visit. I get very loud screams when I walk in the door. We also love to play "tackle" where she runs up and jumps on me when im sitting on the floor and "knocks" me down which ends up with me tickling her. Its a very fun game and we both love it. However, she does not like when Berkley tries to drink out of her sippy cups. He thinks her juice is just delicious and since she always leaves the drinks on the floor, hes always licking the tops and trying to drink the juices. Hehe, I think its halarious. Both of the "kids" love grapes though. and i know i know, grapes are bad for puppies. But berkley just gobbles them right up!!!! Well i hope everybody's winters are going well :-)



Berkley sleeping through the party in Boomer's house
Can't really see it, but i gave berkley a mohawk
Future roomies! Well we are already rooomies, but we're living together next year too :-)
Tucker and Berkley, Berkley was the life of the party. Everyone loved him :-)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Maddy's Empathetic Day

Well, I think last night was the sweetest, most adorable thing ever. We were giving the dogs their clippings (i bought clippers so we could do it at home since Berkley needs done almost every week and a half), and Maddy was just crying and telling us "no no no" every time the dogs would cry. She seemed scared for them and was in a fit of hysterics. It was the saddest thing ever!!! But so cute at the same time that she wanted to protect the doggies. I wish i would have had a picture of her little face with her eyes full of tears from last night, it was the most heart breaking thing i've ever seen!
Other than that, and the HORRIBLE game that will from now on not be mentioned on this blog, everything has been going well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE micro lab of course. I'm very interested to get into my immunobiology lab. We get to work with dangerous strands of things this quarter in both classes. Like samonila. :-) of course I'm the weird person that LOVES working with this type of stuff. Welp, just thought i would update a little bit and tell everyone hi and let them know im still alive, but i need to get back to cleaning my room!! By the way, berkley is very smart, he found my medicine for me that ive been looking for :-D


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Wrecked car.

thought i would post some pictures for all of you to see how pretty i made my poor little convertible. I miss it so much already!

side of car... you cant really see the dents

the gap shows how much i tweaked the frame

exhaust touching the ground

the first spot that hit

rear wheel is bent under the car

side view of the damage

this is with my tires facing "straight"


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Memories of 2007

While 2007 was eventful, obviously not all of it was memories i wish to keep. Keeping in my memory always will be Nick Napier a friend i lost to suicide and a woman that i have known my entire life, Nona Alfred, who was a mentor and adopted grandmother to me who i lost to a 9 year battle with cancer. I hope that both of them have escaped their suffering and are with God now.
Other memories
Getting miss maddy!!!
Getting berkley
Getting my first apartment
Growing up and realizing groceries aren't cheap!
My brother had his first kid
Becoming more thankful for the extra things my parents have provided me over the years, aka home cooked meals
Two buckeye national championships and losing them both
Quitting my sorority
Its ironic to think how much things can change in one year. I think this year that I realized to not take things for granted. I've grown up a lot and realized what is important to me, such as my family and my grades!! Lol. Dental school is getting closer and closer and the more i think about it, the more i get a little scared to be honest. I have no idea where i will be in a year and a half, hopefully in a dental school, but im not sure in what state or where im going to live, etc. At the same time, I am excited to finally get into something i am really interested in. Other than a few classes, im now into my major courses which should prove to be both difficult and exciting. I wish everyone luck and i hope that 2008 is great ;-)
