1st Love You goes to MEEEE!!!
You can tell my itter bitter sister loves me... because she tells me so!!! i was the proud recipient of the first unprompted "love you" from my miss maddy last night :-) YAY ME! She and I got to spend quality time together eating my "sgetti" which was mostly eaten by the TWO YEAR OLD! little piggy! i asked her if she was full and she goes "yup".... then "dite!" aka bite about two seconds later. that girl loves her sgetti... i barely got half of it and it was the first thing i had really eaten all day! hehe thats why i love her and why shes my miss new booty... speaking of she was walking around without pants on (of course) and she has a butt!!! WOO HOOO!!! i'm so excited! haha only i would love something like that
on the school front, everything is going well. just started biochem 511, micro 581, and spanish 104 :-(. I start my kaplan courses for my DAT on thursday too. full courseload this quarter i'll tell you. and it doesn't help that berkley and i haven't been feeling the best. on the boyfriend front, still no one i deem good enough to date me right now. Ryan, aka love of my life, broke up with his "whatever" as his mom calls her. This whatever happens to be one of my former best friends from high school. I was way way way excited to hear this news and Ryan and I hung out a couple of days after they broke up. He broke up with her by the way. However, I hadn't heard from him since then and it was a bit awkward so i was waiting to see what happened. It turns out, theyre thinking of getting back together..... booo her. So i guess ill just have to wait for them to break up again unless anyone has some great ideas on how to keep them apart :-) ????? I'm evil i know
on the school front, everything is going well. just started biochem 511, micro 581, and spanish 104 :-(. I start my kaplan courses for my DAT on thursday too. full courseload this quarter i'll tell you. and it doesn't help that berkley and i haven't been feeling the best. on the boyfriend front, still no one i deem good enough to date me right now. Ryan, aka love of my life, broke up with his "whatever" as his mom calls her. This whatever happens to be one of my former best friends from high school. I was way way way excited to hear this news and Ryan and I hung out a couple of days after they broke up. He broke up with her by the way. However, I hadn't heard from him since then and it was a bit awkward so i was waiting to see what happened. It turns out, theyre thinking of getting back together..... booo her. So i guess ill just have to wait for them to break up again unless anyone has some great ideas on how to keep them apart :-) ????? I'm evil i know
At 12:19 AM,
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At 11:23 PM,
Fliss and Mike Adventures said…
Whatever happened to that paper you wrote? I was thinking about it the other day. Did you get good marks for it? Take care
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