My Mom = Blogging Slacker :-)
Well since mom hasn't posted a good post in a while, I thought I would update everyone with the going-ons of Maddy.
First things first, that girl can talk up a storm!!! All she does is talk now and we can't get her to stop. I feel like I have a mini-me in the talking arena. We are all really enjoying the outdoors lately since the weather is finally starting to heat up. I can't wait for the pool to be warm enough to get in.
Mom updated me on some news last night that now not only has Maddy's bookbag been taken from "school" so has her pillowcase? Who steals from a 3 year old?.... seriously people, get a life.
Maddy LOVES to take pictures. I think this might be an understatement. Mom and Marty first got her a real digital camera (what was Marty thinking?), but she can't really work it very well so they got her a Dor*a the E*xplorer camera instead. It's more like the Fish*er Pr*ice cameras for little kids. She takes pictures of everything and anything. She really focuses on the dogs though from what I've seen.
Maddy loves her flip flops, but the poor girl trips herself all over the place trying to wear them. However, I find this entertaining and love watching her try to wear my favorite type of shoe.... she's my little sister, she'll get it.
So Maddy made a "gonkey"/donkey in church a few weeks ago.... and mom threw it away. Lol. However, we love asking her to tell us what animal it is because she promptly replies "it's a gonkey!" like we should know that already.
Maddy thinks she's saying words correctly, but she really isn't. We figured this out because Marty likes to repeat things back to her how she says them, for instance strawberlly juice, and she says "no Daddy, say it right!" and so we say Strawberry and she says "yeah". Also, when you try to correct something she says she tells you that she did say it right no matter how many times you try to tell her she didn't. That girl has some tenacity.
On the home front, Mom had some of her bloggy friends over today for Margaritas and some guac. (ewwwww) while Marty and I went to Ohio State's Spring Game. 95,000+ people turned out for the very entertaining game. The grey team won. However, Marty's truck got towed from my own parking lot. What made me so upset is that there were only two other cars in the lot and the lot holds 10 cars. The company that towed him is the same company that refused to tow the extra car from our lot in December forcing me to park 2-3 blocks away and walk home at 12:30 pm by myself, in the snow. To put the icing on the cake, when leaving the parking lot of this tow truck company, somehow I managed to get a flat tire :-(
Well, I'll leave you with some pictures and try to keep everyone updated.
Buckeye's Spring Game 2009, 95,000+ in attendance