Sarah's Mei Mei

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So yeah, its been a while and a lot has happened. But then again, maybe not :-)... So my mom joined a group that trades gifts every month for the adoption thing. Its part of her dossier to china group that she joined. And the best part is, its all a secret pal thing! We got a real China tea set and we also got a cute outfit from Baby Gap. We are all very excited for this adoption process. So far, my parents are considering taking a special needs child, depending on how bad the condition is. At first I was a little leery, but then when my mom told me the qualifications of a "special needs" child I was like, hey I could be a special needs child. HAHA. Multiple ways I guess :-) with the blonde hair and all. On the relationship front, the guy I was dating, Dustin, and I decided to call it quits and return to being friends. But so far that hasn't been working out the best. On to the good news..... I leave for school SOON!!! Well, I guess not that soon, but September 14. My really good friend, Becca, and I got a double in our sorority house, which is really good considering I'm not a junior and the rooms are given out according to rank and our point system. She and I are also in the same dormer (the rooms where we sleep) and I got a parking spot, another really surprising thing. We are assuming that I got the parking spot because I lived in the house last year which got me some major points. I am pretty sure I am going to switch my major from Biology to Health Management so I'm still on the waitlist for two classes I want to take this fall. I did get into the Chemistry class I needed though. YAY! Oh yeah, I was also in the hospital at the end of June with micoplasma pnemonae (walking pnemonia basically) and the flu. That was not the most fun thing I've ever done in my life, I will tell you that. And fair was just the last week of July, and for the first time in my life, I didn't go more than one day. The one day we did go, we only stayed long enough to see my ex-boyfriends little sister's goats and to get some good food :-).
For the adoption, it looks like the wait is still about 18 At least it will give me time to crochet Maddy's blanket that I want to make her. I made one for Dustin and it only took about a month more or less to make it. And it was a queen sized one. But, by making this, I opened a can of worms, so to say, because now a bunch of people want me to make them blankets. My best friend included....
ONLY 22 days till my 18th birthday!!! YAY I can't wait!


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