Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day! It seems like its been forever since I've written one of these things! Well, to update, I had my fifth knee surgery almost a week ago, but I'm doing great. Our Dossier to China was sent out on Friday :-) I'm quite excited about this! As of right now, I guess it will be about a year after we are logged in to get my mei-mei... Other than that, Springfield hasn't been that exciting, but then again all I've been doing is seeing old friends or I've been laid up in bed. This week starts the real test on how exciting this summer will be since I start babysitting on Wednsday and I'm going to start looking for a second job as a hostess or retail since I've had experience in both. I'm through with lifeguarding..... enough of that. hehe. For Fathers Day I got Marty a scarlet red dress shirt (Go BUCKS!) and my dad this game called Redneckopoly (i.e. monopoly with a redneck theme...it suits him). Hope everything is going well in your world of adoption!